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Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Book #3

Time is flying by, and we're already close to Holiday Recess! Book Club met for the third time this week, not only to finalize plans for a Holiday Party, but also to discuss Wake, by Lisa McMann. Members gave it 3.2 out of 5 stars, and a few even went on to read the sequel. Lots of the discussion revolved around dreams -- only natural, given the story -- and everyone seemed to have a lot of their own unique dream experiences. We talked about keeping dream journals, trying to control your dreams, recurring dreams, and dream sequels. All very interesting! On an aside, author Lisa McMann will be making an appearance here later on during the school year. Not to be missed!
Our book for December 2009 has been chosen, and it's the ever popular The Graveyard Book, by Neil Gaiman. Discussion will be held when we return to school in 2010. Enjoy this macabre, fantastical tale on a snowy evening, curled up with hot cocoa, a blanket, and your wildest imagination.

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