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Friday, January 15, 2010

Book #4

It's crunch time here at Irondequoit High School: mid-term exams and the completion of first semester barreling down quickly. The library has seen a flurry of activity, and students are working hard to complete their assignments. In the midst of the madness, Book Club met to discuss The Graveyard Book, by Neil Gaiman. Reviews were favorable, with a grand 4.2 stars out of 5, (highest yet this year -- although I suspect the results were skewed by one member's 7 star designation!).

We're changing gears, once again, for the month of January. Time for a little realistic fiction, in the form of North of Beautiful, by Justina Chen Headley. While you're taking a break from studying, read Chen's romantic novel about self-discovery, self-confidence, and beauty. A perfect mid-winter getaway kind of book.

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